Find royalty-free illustrations and clipart on Depositphotos
Browse royalty-free clipart on Depositphotos to find and download stock illustrations. Find a variety of vector graphics, clip art, paintings, drawings, and other types of traditional and digital art in our library. Feel free to buy illustrations for commercial use. Discover millions of artistic illustrations at affordable prices to enrich your online and offline projects.
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Find thematic, royalty-free artworks in these carefully curated collections.
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Discover new artists and their stock illustration portfolios on Depositphotos.
Download the latest stock illustrations and paintings for both commercial and editorial use.

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What are stock illustrations?
Stock illustrations are pieces of art created by traditional means or with the help of computer software. This can include paintings, clip art, drawings, sketches, and other forms of traditional and digital art.
What types of stock illustrations can you buy?
Often, you will find many different categories of illustrations available on stock photography platforms such as classic art, cartoons, pop art, computer graphics, watercolor, acrylic works.
What is the difference between stock illustrations and vectors?
Stock illustrations are usually uploaded in a JPEG format and scaling the image beyond its set size will make it blurry or distorted. Vector graphics are made of vectors and can therefore be scaled to any size.
Where can you get free stock illustrations?
Some stock photography websites such as Depositphotos have a separate section for stock illustrations in the header section of the website.
Can you sell stock illustrations?
If you are an artist and would like to sell your works of art, you can upload them to stock photography websites where your images will be available for purchase.