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Browse stock images on Depositphotos to find and download royalty-free images for commercial use. You will discover a variety of royalty-free photos for every topic and theme. Buy stock pictures at affordable prices to enrich your online and offline projects.
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Visualize Your Ideas With Depositphotos
Whether you need stock images for a website, promotional material, social media, print and digital advertisement, or any other purpose, we’ve got you covered! Browse the library with high-quality, royalty-free stock photos and find the perfect images to illustrate your ideas. Explore special photo collections with thematic and trending stock pictures. Discover new images for your projects, with 206,792,104 unique files added to the Depositphotos library by over 112,000 talented contributors every month.Why choose Depositphotos?
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Stock Photo FAQ
What are stock photos?
Stock photos are images that are created by photographers, designers, and other content contributors. These images usually feature different file types that include photos, vectors, and illustrations. Stock photography websites such as Depositphotos are a source of income for contributors who get royalty payments from Depositphotos when their works are downloaded. When you buy stock photos from Depositphotos, you only pay for them once and can use them for different purposes, including commercial or editorial ones. Stock photos can help you boost your creative projects in an affordable way.
What is royalty-free stock photography?
Royalty-free stock photography means that images are sold under a type of license that allows you to pay for an image once and use it forever according to the agreement. This type of license means you don’t have to pay royalties for each consequent use. With a royalty-free license, images can be purchased by anyone on a non-exclusive basis.
How much do stock photos cost?
The cost of stock photos varies depending on the stock photography agency and the website you use. Prices range anywhere from $0.22 to $89 per image on Depositphotos. The price will be different according to the type of plan and license you choose for your needs.
Where can you find free stock photos?
Some stock photography websites have a separate section for free stock photos. On Depositphotos, you can find a collection of free files in the footer section of the website.
Can you make money selling stock photography?
Yes. If you are a professional photographer or even an enthusiast who produces images that have commercial appeal, you can upload your photos to stock photography websites.