Find HD Royalty-Free Stock Footage on Depositphotos
Browse and download royalty-free videos on Depositphotos. Buy high-quality stock videos at affordable prices to enrich
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Show MoreWhat are stock videos?
Stock videos, or stock footage, are short video clips that are available for purchase on stock photography websites.
Where can you use stock videos?
Stock videos can be used as parts of a video to help you save costs on production. Most stock videos are used as part of a larger production for this purpose. You can find stock videos on a wide range of concepts and themes to fit your project.
Are stock videos expensive?
On Depositphotos, prices can vary between $12.76 to $169 per stock video, depending on the resolution of the video. Stock footage is available in the following resolutions: 240p, 480p, 720p, 1080p, and 4K.
Can you get free stock videos?
Some websites offer free stock videos, however, it is likely that they do not come with the proper license type to allow you to use the footage for commercial purposes.
Can you edit stock videos?
You can add text and other effects to stock videos but check the license type to make sure you can do extensive modification of the original file or use it for commercial purposes.